If you are struggling with emptiness, depression, or constant anxiety that won’t release it’s grip, know that you are not alone in your battle. Know that the God who created the heavens and the earth created you with a purpose for your life, that he loves you unconditionally, and that he is with you through this season of your life and always. Know that he is waiting for you with open arms, calling you to him.

Also know that there are resources available to you to get help. We’ve put together a list of ways to get help and to set you on the path to healing. Please keep in mind that listing these resources do not necessarily imply our endorsement.

Counseling & Therapy

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual directors help you orient your life around God by paying attention to your experiences and helping you recognize and respond to what God is doing and saying.

    Services for Survivors of Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault

    Books for Mental Health


    Learn to help


    If you want to talk to someone here at Echo, please reach out at info@echo.church.


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