How to Invite Friends to Relating to Humans (Again)
Inviting others to church can feel daunting at times. Below are some practical tips & tools for how to do it in a casual, friendly, & easy way!
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Whether it’s debating between high fives or fist bumps, or deciding how to respond to intense social media comments, if there’s anything this past year has shown us… it’s that relationships aren’t easy.
How can we deal with conflict in a healthy way? What does it look like to interact authentically with people? How do we cultivate strong friendships in this new reality we’re living in?
@echochurchlive is doing a series called RELATING TO HUMANS (AGAIN) on Sundays – and everyone’s invited! I’ll be going to [CAMPUS] at [TIME], and you’re more than welcome to join me!
Check out for more times & locations across the Bay Area (or how to join online from anywhere!), or feel free to DM me with any questions. Hope you’ll join us!!
Don’t overthink it! Use words that feel natural to how you usually talk. - THINK OF OTHER CIRCLES OF PEOPLE.
Invite people from communities you’re involved in outside of church, like:- teams at work
- neighbors
- interest-based Facebook groups
- group text threads
- family chat threads
Some ways you can invite people (including virtually) include: - IDENTIFY A NEED.
Think about a specific issue the person may be looking for answers about or struggling with. For instance, just had a conversation with someone who’s feeling hopeless or discouraged? Here’s a sample blurb you can send them:
Hey [name]! It was great catching up the other day, and I wanted to let you know I’ve been thinking and praying about [situation]. On that note, my church is doing a new series Relating to Humans (Again) next Sunday on 9/19. Let me know if you’d be interested in joining me for this awesome experience at [service time and location – or link] 🙂
- If they accept, that’s great! If you’re available, attend or watch the Sunday message at the same time as the person you invited. Then check in with them afterwards on their thoughts.
- If they decline, don’t feel bad! Continue to establish a relationship with the person, and keep praying for them
Sample blurb to send to a friend personally (through text, Facebook message, email, etc.):
Hey [name]! This might sound a bit random, I just thought about you today and wanted to share that our church is doing a new series Relating to Humans (Again) next Sunday (9/19). I’m gonna join/attend this Sunday at [service time and location – or link] – let me know what you think!
Sample blurbs to post on your social media platforms:
- I always look forward to Sunday mornings! This upcoming Sunday (9/19) our church is doing a new series. Join me for an encouraging message at [service time and location – or link]. Feel free to reach out if you ever wanna talk about faith, church, etc.!
- With everything that’s been going on this year, it really has been difficult at times… but I’ve found that staying plugged into a supportive community has made all the difference. Come join me for a new series Relating to Humans (Again) next Sunday (9/19) at [service time and location – or link]! Feel free to reach out if you ever wanna talk about faith, church, etc.!
Sample blurb to share in a community forum/group (e.g. NextDoor/neighborhood group, other interest-based Facebook groups, etc.):
Hey friends! I wanted to share that I’ve been checking out this church for some time now and love it! I’ve found it really helpful and encouraging personally. This upcoming Sunday 9/19, Echo.Church is starting a new series Relating to Humans (Again). I’ll be there this Sunday at [service time and location – or link] – let me know if any of you are interested in joining me!