So often, we write ourselves off because of our flaws and imperfections.
We convince ourselves that our shortcomings disqualify us from what we’re meant to accomplish. But what if your flaws had a redeeming purpose? What if your imperfections are part of growing your character?
The reality is: we’re likely more flawed than we even realize. But it’s also true that we are more loved than we could ever imagine.
Join us Sundays starting April 24, for a new series called Flawed.
Together, we’ll unpack how God loves using imperfect people to accomplish His perfect plans.
Join us LIVE every Sunday in-person OR online!
Join us in-person every Sunday! Select the campus nearest you to see service times:

Watch the Sunday message virtually & engage with others in a LIVE interactive chat!
echoKIDS is a children’s ministry uniquely designed with your child in mind. We’ve carefully designed experiences for your kids to teach them relevant lessons from the Bible in a fun way.
We offer IN-PERSON echoKIDS experiences at our campuses (see campus pages above for times), as well as ONLINE experiences at 11:30am.