Glad you’re back! 

Today, I am praying that you will be encouraged. Each day as I’m sharing insights with you about prayer, I want to be honest with you about my prayer life.

Intercession is one of the hardest disciplines for me. Partly because I am incredibly drawn to action. I like doing things. Prayer sometimes feels like waiting. It can feel like I am doing nothing. 

When I shift my perspective on prayer, I am encouraged. Prayer is actually the most important part of the work. Prayer starts the work and lays a foundation. God uses the prayers of ordinary people to do crazy, extra-ordinary things!

James 5:16-18 says:

“Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. Elijah was a human as we are, and yet he prayed earnestly that no rain would fall, none fell for three and a half years! Then when he prayed again, the sky sent down rain and earth began to yield its crops.” 

 I love that phrase: “Elijah was a human as we are.” He had the same challenges and many of the same issues that you and I have, but his prayers were up to shut up the skies for three and a half years. 

There are things God does only in response to our prayers! 

 (We don’t have time here to get into why this is theologically.) For now, I want to challenge you to be bold and ask God to do mighty things for our world. 

What if God could use our Church to be a part of a global revival? What if we could be a part of seeing the Bay Area changed with the message of Jesus?

Let’s pray boldly today. 

You might pray something like this:

“Lord, I ask that you would help me persist. Sometimes my will is so weak, but you can strengthen me. Help me to pray like the door-knocker. Help me to not give up. 

Lord Jesus, I submit my desires to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen!”

Now, today, pay attention and see if God would use you to answer your prayers! 


Pastor Andy 

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